Optimistic Thought and Quotes!

Today I will be true to that within me that is most optimistic. I will search within me for all that is right and beautiful and when I find it I will express it in my outward life. I will have the highest thoughts for all my relationships, and my manners and actions shall express these thoughts.

Work on your optimism and grow yourself as a positive person, then you will find opportunities that match the new person you have become.

It is the habitual thought that frames itself into our life. It affects us more than any other person or circumstance. Generate optimistic thoughts about yourself, your life and the people around you and make optimistic thoughts your habit, your life will flower into a thing of beauty.

Optimistically go for what you really want in life. It will put a smile in your heart and a bounce in your step!

Begin to be optimistic where you are and in the things you do every day and you and your life will become great. Becoming the best you or achieving your own greatness is reward enough; knowing that you are advancing as a person is the greatest of all possible joys.

“Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.”  ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe – Use your optimism to create an audacious dream that will drive you to become all that you are capable of becoming.


You can choose to reflect, forgive, learn, and heal from your past pain.  The emotional release you will receive from simple optimism can be the equivalent to cutting the sandbags that keep the hot air balloon secured to the ground.


This is the beginning of a new day.  You have been given this day to use as you will.  You can waste it or use it for good.  What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.  When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind… let it be something good.

Life is not a game to be won but a gift to be enjoyed! Relax and receive all the good things life has to offer you and enjoy each and every moment.

Your integrity, honor, and reputation often precede you and linger after you move on. The greatest gift you can give to others is a model character.  The greatest gift you can give yourself is the practice of good character, it inspires and is inspiring, so strive to inspire!

Excellence never occurs by accident.  To become the person you were really meant to be, everything you do must be done with the single purpose of achieving excellence.  It takes less than a second to raise your standards higher; you must merely decide to be the best you that you can be.

Have a firm belief that everything in this wonderful life is magnificent!

By eliminating negative thoughts and feelings I have been able to access the spirit of optimism that resides inside me.  Optimism has helped me recognize my profound birthright of being a caring, loving, knowing, believing and optimistic beacon of light.

When you start to recognize the miracles that are all around you, then you can begin to live each and every day with unbridled energy and a feeling of optimism.

The source of power and healing and optimistic living reside within you.  Your life is perfect… with a thousand interruptions.  Take some time to “smell the Roses” today, there is beauty all around you.

Each person needs a measure of positive personal growth in all their human interactions, something that moves them in the direction they want their life to go. Be that positive interaction for someone else today and you will receive more than you can give.

Even an optimist has challenging days, but when you live from an optimist’s outlook, those rough spots seem so much smoother!

Actively engaged hearts and minds, unwavering commitment, laser focus, and relentless determination are all motivated by a passionate optimism.

No matter how bad the condition or circumstances of life at the moment, good things are right around the corner if we just hang in there.

The spirit of gratitude is always pleasant and satisfying because it carries with it the sense of helpfulness to others; it begets love and friendship, and engenders divine influence.  Gratitude is said to be the memory of the heart.

In order to truly move forward and live the life of your dreams takes a measure of awareness.  I sometime think people are sleepwalking through life.  Take a look around you at all the wonderful people in your life and just the beauty of nature this day provides you, look for the good today!

It takes energy to be optimistic and making excuses will drain your energy.

Optimist are hopeful and cheerful and expect good no matter what the apparent situation.

Act as if… If you act like an Optimist this week you will become Optimistic, if you are Optimistic you will enjoy all the good life has to offer you.

Optimists realize that they already have everything they need to make themselves happy and can experience their lives as an exciting journey.

Remember that an image vividly conceived and stubbornly held has a reality of its own.  Imagine positive optimistic thoughts and enjoy a wonderful day.

Self-esteem is not measured by accomplishment or receiving external verification. It is a very deep in your heart feeling of worthiness, whether you win, lose, or draw, rich or poor.  When you feel optimistic about your life you improve your self-esteem.

If you treat people to a vision of themselves, if you apparently overrate them, you make them become what they are capable of becoming.  If we take them as they should be, we help them become what they can become. Look at the people in your life with optimistic eyes and help them become the best they can become.

I believe plus I can plus I will equals I did.  Life is a marvelous gift. Accept it. See it, hear it, touch it, smell it, taste it… live it optimistically!

Anytime you’re confronting a difficult situation, prepare yourself mentally. Visualize dealing with the situation optimistically, confidently and successfully, and you’ll create successful results.

Think thoughts of abundance and wealth, and do not allow any contradictory thoughts to take root in your minds.

Growth is motivating, so encourage yourself and your friends to stretch.  Look for opportunities to try new things and acquire new skills.  Build an optimistic sprit that says “If you grow, we all benefit.”

My assumption about people largely determines how I treat them.  What I assume about people is what I look for, what I look for I is what I find.  Be optimistic and look for the good or the best in the people you meet and in yourself.

Integrity is not a given factor in everyone’s life.  It is a result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations in our lives. Optimistic people look for the best in everyone and everything, if you are relentlessly honest in all your dealings it is easier to be optimistic!

It is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are, it is a fact that when you’re through changing, you’re through.  Since we are going to change anyway embrace your change optimistically!

Success comes from inside, not from outside.  Success comes from within you, some people argue that their level of success in life is determined by their circumstances, skills, environmental factors, or opportunities. Success may be influenced by these external factors, but it is not caused by them.  Your optimistic ideals create your reality.

If you think back to times in your life when you truly succeeded, whether in business, financial, relationships, health, emotional, or spiritual arenas, you will see that you were doing things in a certain way.  If you are like most people, you may not even have known what you were doing that worked so well, optimistically cultivate that and get into “the zone!”

Optimism is the mystical motor of your sprit.  It is the inner urge that can drive you to success.  Its fuel is emotion, desire, or impulse.  To develop optimism, every night for ten days repeat at least 50 times: What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.  Then when you see opportunities present themselves, take action.

The power of Optimistic Mindsets shows us that we can actually change our thoughts, beliefs, values, opinions, and attitudes to reflect the people we want to be and to attract the relationships, situations, and success that we want in our lives.

Never finish a negative statement.  Reverse it immediately into an optimistic statement and wonders will happen in your life.  For example, “I can afford that new car, it is mine, I accept it mentally, and my subconscious sees to it that I receive it.”

It is not costly paintings, tapestries, priceless bric-a-brac, various ornaments, costly furniture and houses which constitute the ideal life; but it is the rather beauty of soul, cultivated, loving, faithful, true sprits; hands that help and hearts that sympathize; love that seeks not its own, thoughts and acts that touch our lives to finer issues.  Be the positive you would like to see in the world.

Have you ever visualized something you wanted to attract, to see it become a reality in such a different way than you ever expected? The Universe always finds the best way to make things happen, and it keeps amazing me how incredibly well it is suited for it’s job ;).  Keep optimistic thoughts flowing in your life and wonderful things will keep happening for you.

To experience true freedom, you must prove to yourself that you are the master of your own destiny! Think optimistic thoughts that lead you to become the best you that you can be.

Man is what he thinks.  Not what he says, reads or hears.  By persistent (optimistic) thinking you can undo any condition which exists.  You can free yourself from any chains, whether of poverty, sin, ill-health, unhappiness or fear.  Ella Wheeler Wilcox with optimistic added.

You can become excellent in a second – beginning right now!  Start by visualizing yourself as the best teacher, artist, manager, coach, or parent that you aspire to become and start acting the part. Put yourself in the best possible position to succeed, and then perform your script exactly as it plays out in your mind.

Your habits determine your past, present and future.

If you want change in your life, you must change your habits. Optimistically look at what you want in your life and start acting today as if it were already there, it will show up soon!


“The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.” Ben Stein.  You can achieve anything you focus on with optimism that you will get it.


Everything is energy, we know that similar vibrations attract and dissimilar vibrations repel.  Therefore, we attract to us people and circumstances that vibrate in harmony or resonance with our thoughts.  To get what we want we must plant optimistic thoughts of what we want firmly in our minds. We must focus on them, give them attention, nurture them, and become them.

We should all appreciate the merits of rich thoughts, high personal standards and a commitment to squeeze every ounce of one’s potential, if you think you can you are mostly there.  Optimistic thoughts everyday in everything you do will bring you a rewarding life.

Individuals with high self-esteem look at failure as temporary.  They also look at failure as an opportunity to change and challenge themselves.  Start your week of with an optimistic view that you can overcome any temporary setbacks and turn them into opportunities for personal growth.

Every life form seems to strive for its maximum except human beings.  We have been given the dignity of choice.  You can choose to be your best or you can choose to be less.  Optimistically stretch up to the full measure of the challenge and see all that you can be.

Live a life that will help others spiritually, intellectually, physically, financially, and relationally.  Live a life that serves as an example of what an exceptional life can look like.  That is optimism in action!

“The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts.” Marcus Aurelius.  Within your thinking process you can select the coloration which you desire and bring it to actualization by the type of thoughts you use habitually.  Think optimistic thoughts.

Perception is the way we see something, your frame of reference, your point of view.  We view life through our perceptions.  Beliefs about yourself, others, and the world around you are affected by your perceptions.  Your perceptions determine the feeling state and the type of energy you will use to process any situation, positive or negative.  Choose a optimistic perception.

Take the optimistic view that if you do your part, the very best you know how, and always work and think positively, the supply will come.  Remember that gloom chases away prosperity.  Practice optimism until it becomes a part of you, then the abundance will become a part of you.

You can decide today for change to take place in your life but for change to take place you must make a choice.  The difference between repeating a vice and creating a new reality is determined by the choices we make.  You have the ability to mold and shape your life into something of beauty and significance.  You can turn lemons into lemonade and pennies into fortunes simply by making a choice to do so, choose optimistically!

It is absolutely possible to live a happy and abundant life.  It is possible to tap into a power that all humans have to create empowering beliefs that make your life completely joyful to behold.  That power is rooted in an attitude of appreciation and gratitude.

A positive, empowering belief system will attract the life you want to live.  Your positive belief system provides the power to continuously create your vision.  Fill your vision with optimism!

“To the soul, there is hardly anything more healing than friendship”  Thomas Moore .  Help someone feel better about themselves today, be a friend.

Your personal power, self-esteem, and ability to build a strong personal foundation are derived by having your life values and life actions in alignment.  By thinking optimist thoughts and then living an optimistic life you are building a beautiful life and future for yourself.

The only way things are going to change for you is when you change.  If you work harder at your job you may make a little more, but if you work harder on yourself you will become worth more and thus get paid more.  This is true in all areas of our lives; optimistically look for ways to improve who you are.

Use this affirmation daily: “I think enthusiasm, I picture enthusiasm, I practice enthusiasm.”  Always make yourself enthusiastic and your whole life will be wonderful.

When you combine positive thinking, creative enthusiasm and optimism with the proper perspective there are few challenges that cannot be resolved.

To attract optimistic people you must be optimistic, to attract powerful people you must be powerful, to attract committed people you must be committed.  Instead of going to work on others, go to work on yourself.  If you become, you can attract.

You will only become what you are becoming right now. Though you cannot go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new end.  Optimistically visualize the person you want to become and you are on your way to becoming that person.

There were clouds in the sky this morning; I saw the beauty of creation, the sun lighting the clouds with wonderful color, the promise of a new day, the potential moisture to replenish life, the truth that no matter what your issues in life may be you can make today whatever you want it to be. Yes I am an optimist!

It is raining today and it made me think of Sandy’s comments of two days ago, it seems it may be raining in her life right now.  We all have rainy days, months or sometimes years but without the rain we cannot appreciate the sunny days that follow and the sunny days do always come.  Just remember the only constant in life is change and with all things in life this too shall pass.  Hang in there the sunny days will return.

There is a tremendous power in living your life by your highest ideals. Inner peace, long-range happiness, and a sense of certain direction are all results of knowing what is important in your life.

To be (optimistic), or not to be (optimistic), that is the question (you need to ask yourself).  Each day you get to choose the direction of your thoughts and your life, what direction will you pick today?

Joy is the natural result of moral courage. When you demonstrate the courage of your convictions, you feel good about yourself.  Your self-confidence and self-respect rise considerably.

Live a life that will help others spiritually, intellectually, physically, financially, and relationally.  Live a life that serves as an example of what an exceptional life can look like.  Be the optimistic example!

We are meant to have as much beauty, richness, pleasure, magnificence, and abundance as we can get from life, in every area.  Look optimistically for the abundance in your life and it will be there.

We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give.  Winston Churchill.  Optimistically look for ways to make someone’s life a little better today and as you do you will find your life improved as well.

For success and inner peace, treat yourself as if you already are what you would like to become. Be optimistic that you can become anything you can imagine.

Attitude is crucial for creative problem solving.  With an optimistic attitude you can come up with more solutions to any given situation and continue your life on an every improving path.

Most people travel through their lives unaware of the forces that guide them.  They never sit in silence and identified what is truly important to them.  Take some time today for some optimistic soulful reflection so you can react to life’s stimuli with you highest purpose in mind.

Setting high personal optimistic standards is a way of living that keeps you from participating in life by the whims, beliefs, and goals of others and society. Become the you, you always knew you could become by living your optimistic standards.

Gratitude and appreciation are key elements to tapping into your true power.  These two simple feeling states are a pathway to building a joyful, happy, abundant, optimistic life, right here and right now.

In every seed of adversity lies a seed of equal or greater opportunity.  Napoleon Hill.  If you are optimistic, you can find that seed of opportunity and nurture it so your life will be greater after the adversity than before it.

The appreciation of what is, rather than focusing on and complaining about what isn’t, helps you make peace in the moment.  Appreciation is also one of the easiest heart frequencies to shift into, radiate and feel.  An optimistic view and inventory of your life will help you find the things to appreciate.

Knowing your strengths and identifying your limitations gives insight into who you are.  That, in turn, can affect your attitude.  Successful people build on their strengths and are not overly concerned about their limitations.  Develop a positive attitude that trains your mind to look optimistically at your limitations as an opportunity to develop new strengths, power, and greatness.

Have and keep an optimistic attitude.  Remember, your attitude is yours, you own it and you control it.  It is imperative that you take responsibility for your own attitude.  No one can give you a bad attitude if you see the positive in every situation.  Remember “every cloud has a silver lining” look for the silver and your life will be pleasant.

An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while the pessimist sees only the red stoplight. Approach every aspect of your life today as if the light is green, great things will happen for you.

In life we are either taking a step forward or a step backward every day.  If we are able to look at all the conditions, circumstances and situations as an opportunity for personal growth, we are on our way to living the Optimistic life of our dreams.

To know we are included brings with it a powerful energy. To be part of a vibrant community where you feel appreciated provides a powerful, dynamic, positive energy. Include someone into your life today and you both will feel better for it.

It is necessary to eliminate thoughts and feelings about your past limitations or present life circumstances that block you from getting a clear vision of your ideal future. In visioning, it is important to exist in a state of absolute optimism about what is possible in your life.

Children have to see their parents performing kind and decent acts as they learn to become virtuous, kind, and brave by seeing those things modeled and then by demonstrating them in their own life. Be the change you want to see in the world and others will emulate you and we will all live better for it.

Optimism is an active, empowering, constructive attitude that creates conditions for success by focusing and acting on possibilities and opportunities.

The path to peace of mind and optimistic living has its foundation in forgiveness above all else.  This is especially true with the most important aspect of true forgiveness, forgiveness of the self.

Trials help us develop and refine some of the most lofty human characteristics: faith, patience, endurance, adaptability, gratitude, acceptance, courage, strength and love.  Taken From Persisting Through Adversity. Meet your trials with Optimism and you will grow from them.

Be grateful each day you wake up alive. Don’t give up. Keep a positive attitude and get rid of self pity. Don’t trade your trials with anyone else. Always look at the bright side of things.  Another Quote from “Persisting Through Adversity”

When you stay in the feeling state of gratitude by continually feeling not surprised, but awed, by the small and large miracles that occur, your optimism grows. But make no mistake; it starts with appreciation and gratitude for everything.

Through positive action in their communities, business, and personal life, optimists believe they can create a better tomorrow. Cultivate a climate of optimism throughout your life and see your future become brighter.

Gratitude heightens awareness and expands your interactions with the world.  Once gratitude becomes part of your nature, you begin to see the connections between your successes and creature comforts, and the talents and contributions of others.  Optimistically look for things and people in your life to be grateful for.

Albert Einstein said “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” View your life optimistically and you can manifest the life of your dreams, full of happiness and good feelings.

Do not limit yourself in any way. You have the power to be and do as you desire. So begin right now to optimistically see your future as bright, feel it becoming the life you deserve to live. Believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it is possible for you and it will come to you.

By looking for goodness and nobility in yourself and others, you are reminded that there are many good people with good intentions in the world.

“They themselves are the makers of themselves, by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master weaver, both of inner garment of charter and outer garment of circumstance.” James Allen – Choose to weave an optimistic future of enlightenment and happiness.

The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty.  Think optimistic thoughts each day and watch your body respond in kind.

Your difficulty is not contained, primarily, in the situation which gave rise to it, but in the mental state with which you regard that situation and which you bring to bear upon it. – Byways of Blessedness. Keep your mental state optimistic and see your situation improve. Remember it is our perspective that makes a circumstance positive or negative.

Because life is a work-in-progress, you never totally arrive; there is always some polishing to do, some knowledge to gain, and love to deepen. You are and will always be the self in evolution, look optimistically for ways to improve yourself and remember the thoughts you think today determine the life you live tomorrow.

Optimism is invaluable for a meaningful life. With a firm belief in a positive future you can throw yourself into the service of that which is larger than you are.

Optimists think about misfortune as just a temporary setback, they are unfazed by defeat. They perceive it as a challenge and try harder.

Our thoughts are not merely reactions to events; they change what ensues. Optimistic personal prophecies are self-fulfilling.

The way we think, especially about health, changes our health. Optimists catch fewer infectious diseases. Optimists have better health habits. Our immune systems work better. Optimists live longer. Optimists are better lovers!

In the Universe everything is either growing or dying, we have a choice, we can either become better today than we were yesterday or we can become less than we were yesterday.  Optimistically look for ways to grow yourself each day!

All that you touch, All that you see, All that you taste, All you feel, All that you love, All that you hate, All you distrust, All you save, All that you give, All that you deal, All that you buy, beg, borrow or steal, All you create, All you destroy, All that you do, All that you say, All that you eat, And everyone you meet,
All that you slight, And everyone you fight, All that is now, All that is gone, All that’s to come – is all that you are – live optimistically and you will enjoy what you become.

First and foremost, your mission in life must include a commitment to being the best you can possibly be. We should all consider adopting the highest standards of behavior, habits and attitudes to ensure that we live and consistently operate at the highest level of our capabilities.

Resist giving in to misfortune, say: “It was just circumstances, it’s going away quickly anyway, and, besides, there’s much more to life.”  You are valuable and deserving, you are an optimist.

You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideas and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly. – Rumi

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart – this you will build your life by; this you will become. – As A Man Thinketh, James Allen

Make someone’s day today, put your arm around them and give them an optimistic word.  Help an older person or make a child laugh, you will feel better for it.

Joy is everywhere; it presents itself in abundance throughout each day. Joy is contagious; it’s a gift we give to ourselves and spread to others. It is perfectly okay to have fun in all that you do. It is not selfish, insensitive, or self centered.  Wanting life to be joyful is natural, normal and healthy.  En-joy today!

The ideal lifestyle begins with an ideal emotional state. Your outlook on life is not determined by your circumstances, but rather by your focus. A joyful focus is joyful living. Be observant and cultivate the pleasures of finding joy in the places you least expect.

Since our thoughts determine the life we will have, you must focus on doing those things that will change your thoughts toward the life you want.  Nothing is more effective at changing your thoughts than reading the right books.  “You are today the same as you will be in five years from now, except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read.” –  Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Look within: Self-awareness is the key to awakening the soul. The kind of self-awareness needed to take responsibility for your own power and growth is what will develop a beautiful life, an optimistic perspective  will help shape the life you want to have.

Good thoughts produce good actions which produce good results; bad thoughts produce bad actions and bad results.  If you keep an optimistic perspective and positive direction you will produce good thoughts and thus good results.

Circumstances grow out of thought; anyone that has practiced self-control and focused their thoughts on a specific goal will have noticed that the alteration in their circumstances has been in exact ratio with their altered mental condition.  Keep optimistic thoughts in mind as often as you can and watch your life become better and better!

Your mind may be likened to a garden, which may be cultivated or neglected, it must, and will bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind. Plant optimistic thoughts today and nurture them to bring for the life you would like to live.

“Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes, and Man is Mind, and evermore he takes, The Tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills; He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass; Environment is but his looking-glass.”  James Allen – Keep optimistic thoughts and watch your life improve.

Optimistically look at your life and count your many blessings, by counting them you acknowledge them which helps you have gratitude for them.  By showing gratitude you open yourself up for more blessings to come your way.  Let’s all have a wonderful week!

As an optimist we can actually change our thoughts, beliefs, values, opinions, and attitudes to reflect the people we want to be and attract the relationships, situations, and success that we want in our lives. Go forth and make it so!

A vision is your mental picture of the life you want to lead. Clarity is power. To achieve the highest levels of success, create the highest vision you can dream and deposit it in the treasury of your unconscious mind. This will help you stay optimistic through the rough spots in life.

Peoples attitude toward giving reflect whether they think about life in terms of abundance or in term of scarcity. Be optimistic that by giving you will reflect abundance into others lives, all great achievers have been great givers.

Optimism is a tool to help the individual achieve the goals he has set for himself. It is the choice of the goals themselves that meaning or emptiness resides. Share your optimism with others and find deeper meaning in your own life.

In his book Learned Optimism, Dr. Seligman proves that optimistic people are more successful, the question is which came first the optimism or the success? Really it does not matter since the only thing you can control is how you think, so one way to be more optimistic is to acknowledge those things that you are grateful for and consider blessings in your life.  What are you grateful for?

Optimism is wonderful. It gives you warmth and good feeling to all your personal relationships. Your optimism becomes infectious, stimulating and attractive to others. They love you for it, show your optimism today.

A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes. – Hugh Downs

The more present you become, the more optimistic you will be. Slow down today and notice all the little things that make your life wonderful, the people in your life, the creature comforts you enjoy, what health you do have, the choices you get to make. There are so many things we take for granted and if we did not have them our lives would be so much worse; take time to smell the roses today and see your life brighten.

The only disability in life is a bad attitude. – Scott Hamilton
By being optimistic you naturally create a positive attitude.

A good example has twice the value of good advice. Be a good example of optimism in action and lift yourself and those around you to a new high today.

Don’t wait for money and success to light up your life. You’ve got to grab the little shiny moments that come to all of us while there here.

There can be little doubt about it: Optimism is good for us. It is also more fun: What goes on in our head from minute to minute is more pleasant. You have a choice, choose to be optimistic today.

There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes. – William Bennett  Let your optimistic attitude show in all your activities.

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. – John F. Kennedy  Find ways to live optimistically this week.

Happiness is an attitude. We choose to make ourselves miserable or happy and strong. The effort is the same. Optimistically look for reasons to be happy and to find the good in yourself and others.

Many people look for reasons to be offended by the actions of others. We let the slightest things get to us, causing stress, anger, and resentment. Step back, take a deep breath, and laugh at yourself for being so easily offended. Look for reasons to feel optimistic toward others and their actions, you may make some new friends.

A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. ~ Jean da La Fontaine  –

Optimistically look for ways to devote yourself to those moments that make each day worthwhile.

Sometimes, life knocks you down, but if you get right up again and get up smiling, it can’t ever beat you down. Think optimistic thoughts of your future and they will come true.

People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them. ~ Epicetus – Take an optimistic view of the things that come your way today and see how you can grow or benefit from them.

We all have a positive and a negative side, which one shows through each day, depends on which one we feed the most. Feed you positive self with optimism and show the world and yourself how great a person you can be.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined!” ~ Thoreau – Helping people chase and fulfill their dreams is one of the primary functions of all relationships, optimistically pursue your dream and help those around you reach theirs.

Our dreams are the vision that shape our lives. Do you know what your dreams are? Do you know the dreams of those that are close to you? When we know the dreams of the people around us, we want to help them live those dreams; this in turn gives us more optimism to live our dreams.

Optimistically strive to become the best version of yourself in all areas of your life, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, psychological, material, professional, financial, creative, adventure, legacy and in your character. As you strive you will begin to see yourself become the person you always knew you could be. You deserve the best in everything, go out and make it happen in your own life.

It is raining today and I am just getting over a cold, can I find some optimism in these two things? Sure, I need to feel bad once in a while so I remember how great it is to feel good. Even though it is raining and cloudy I know the sun is still up there shining and if I look for it I can see it.

Embrace you challenges, cultivate a sense of hope and optimism even in a daunting situation and you will find that anything is possible and you really can live life to its fullest.

Move a little of that “Friday feeling” into our rainy-day Mondays, our gloomy Tuesdays and our mid-week Wednesdays. Surely our lives will be much happier as a result, it is a choice you can make today and every day.

Spent most of my day yesterday driving around central and northern California and it just made me feel so grateful for my sight to be able to take in all the beauty of the landscape, thankful for may motor skills so I can get around when and where I want to, overall just thankful to enjoy life another day.  Thanksgiving is upon us, what are you thankful for?

Everything you say; every thought you entertain; and everything you do has a direction, which serves as an advance or a retreat in respect to your pursuit of excellence. ~ Gary Ryan Blair – Keep optimistic thoughts, say positive words and you will advance in a positive direction.

Be determined to embrace your challenges and live life to the fullest. Your sense of hope and optimism in a daunting situation will prove to you that anything is possible.

Take time during the next few days to show interest in the work and accomplishments of others. It’s powerful motivation when you praise their contributions. It will make you feel better as you watch them smile, let your optimism be contagious.

You will have good things and bad in life. What happens to you will happen, and you only have two ways to respond – you can be positive and happy or negative and miserable. The good news is that the choice is up to you! Make the decision today to be optimistic and positive.

Gratitude is totally free and an unbelievably simple way to experience a sense of well-being and contentment. Express your gratitude today in as many things and ways as you can think of and you will see yourself become a more optimistic person.


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. Make 2011 a great year, it is a choice you have.

We all get knocked down or have some bumps in our road of life, the optimist uses these as opportunities to learn and grow.  Use last year’s good events and bad to learn from and make this year your best year ever.

Gratitude makes us feel more optimistic because it helps us widen our vision. Under stress, we can develop tunnel vision, seeing only the problem or difficulty. But when we experience a sense of gratitude, we give ourselves a dose of mental sunshine. Suddenly the world seems brighter, and we have more options.

The belief that becomes truth for me… is that which allows me the best use of my strength, the best means of putting my virtues into action. ~ Andre Gide  –  Optimistically look for ways to let your highest virtues shine through today.

Life is going to throw you lemons sometimes. Will you make a sour face or add a little sweetener and drink up the lemonade? Sometimes we want so badly for our reality to change. Yet what we don’t realize is that in order for our reality to change our perception and attitude must change. Optimism is a tool to help you make lemonade.

Rule 1 for a Better Way to Live. Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward toward the life that God intended for you… with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.

Rule 2 for a Better Way to Live. Today and every day, deliver more than you are getting paid to do. The victory of success will be half won when you learn the secret of putting out more than is expected in all that you do. Make yourself so valuable in your work that eventually you will become indispensible. Exercise your privilege to go the extra mile, and enjoy all the rewards you receive. You deserve them.

Rule 3 for a Better Way to Live. Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don’t look back at it too long. Mistakes are life’s way of teaching you. Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals. No one wins them all, and your failures, when they happen, are just part of your growth. Shake off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure? Never quit. Your turn will come.

Rule 4 for a Better Way of Life. Always reward your long hours of labor and toil in the very best way, surrounded by your family. Nurture their love carefully, remembering that your children need models, not critics, and your progress will hasten when you constantly strive to present your best side to your children. And even if you have failed at all else in the eyes of the world, if you have a loving family, you are a success.

Rule 5 for a Better Way to Live. Build this day on a foundation of pleasant thoughts. Never fret at any imperfections that you fear may impede your progress. Remind yourself, as often as necessary, that you are a creature of God and have the power to achieve any dream by lifting up your thoughts. You can fly when you decide that you can. Never consider defeat again. Let the vision in your heart be in your life’s blueprint. Smile!

Rule 6 for a Better Way to Live. Let your actions speak for you, but be forever on guard against the terrible traps of false pride and conceit that can halt your progress. The next time you are tempted to boast, just place your fist in a full pail of water, and when you remove it, the hole remaining will give you a correct measure of your importance.

Rule 7 for a Better Way to Live. Each day is a special gift from God, and while life may not always be fair, you must never allow the pains, hurdles, and handicaps of the moment to poison your attitude and plans for yourself and your future. You can never win when you wear the ugly cloak of self-pity, and the sour sound of whining will certainly frighten away any opportunity for success. Never again! There is a better way.

Rule 8 for a Better Way to Live. Never again clutter your days or nights with so many menial and unimportant things that you have no time to accept a real challenge when it comes along. A day merely survived is no cause for celebration. You are not here to fritter away your precious hours when you have the ability to accomplish so much…

What are you truly happy about in your life right now? What’s really great in your life today? What are you truly grateful for? Take a moment to think about the answers and notice how good it feels to know that you have legitimate reasons for you to feel great now.

Rule 9 for a Better Way to Live. Live this day as if it will be your last. Remember that you will only find “tomorrow” on the calendars of fools. Forget yesterday’s defeats, and ignore the problems of tomorrow. This is it; make it the best day of your year. The saddest words you can ever utter are, “If I had my life to live over again….” This is your day!

Rule 10 for a Better Way to Live.  Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they were going to be dead at midnight. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.

Rule 11 for a Better Way to Live. Laugh at yourself and at life. Banish tension and concern and worry with laughter at your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution that is certain to come. Never take yourself too seriously.

Rule 12 for a Better Way to Live. Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best you can do.  You are special, act it. Never neglect the little things.

Rule 13 for a Better Way to Live. Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day.

There is a better way to live. To confront each morning with hope shinning in your eyes, to welcome the day with reverence for the opportunity it contains, to greet everyone you meet with laughter and love, to be gentile, kind, and courteous toward friend and foe, and to enjoy the satisfaction of work well done during the precious hours that will never return – that is the way to leave your footprints.

Rule 14 for a Better Way to Live. You will achieve your grand dream, a day at a time, so set goals for each day. .. Be patient, never allow your day to become so cluttered that you neglect your most important goal – to do the best you can, enjoy this day, and rest satisfied with what you have accomplished.

True happiness is to enjoy the present, without dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants for nothing. ~ Roman Seneca

Rule 15 for a Better Way to Live. Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it. Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating the mental forces of hate, jealousy, and envy.

Rule 16 for a Better Way to Live. Search for the seed of good in every adversity. Master that principal and you will own a precious shield that will guard you through all the darkest valleys you must traverse… You will learn things in adversity that you would never have discovered without trouble. There is always a seed of good. Find it and prosper.

Rule 17 for a Better Way to Live. Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having and getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.

You don’t have to wait for anyone or anything! You don’t need any special reason to feel good; you can just decide to feel good right now, simply because you are alive, simply because you want to. By staying in an optimistic state of mind it is easier to feel good most of the time. Feel good today!

It’s not just getting a goal that matters, but the quality of life you experience along the way. Keep an optimistic view on your daily activities as you pursue your dreams and goals and enjoy the ride life offers.

When you become detached mentally from yourself and concentrate on helping people with their difficulties, you will be able to cope with your own more effectively.  The act of self-giving releases your personal power, look for ways to help someone else today and feel your personal optimism grow!

To build your optimism ask these question and look for a positive answer: What am I happy about in my life now? What am I excited about in my life now? What am I proud of in my life now? What am I grateful about in my life now? What am I enjoying most in my life now? Who do I love? Who loves me? Even if you have some negatives in your life, if you look for the positives you will find them.

You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. ~ John Wooden – Just sharing your optimism with someone who needs it could make all the difference in their life today.

Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters. ~ Nathaniel Emmons – Build the habit of seeing the best in people and events, this will build an optimistic life for you in every way.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can start manifesting the life of your dreams — more money, more happiness, more confidence, and the health, wealth, and relationships that you truly deserve. By staying optimistic all things are possible.

“Time = Life. Therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or master your time and master your life.”~ Alan Lakein – Optimistically look for ways to spend your time making your life and others better today.


When you are in an upsetting situation, try loving everyone involved and pray for them, hard as it may be. By loving I mean giving rational esteem for them as a person.


Until you know what’s MOST important, you are spending the only life you have on things that simply don’t matter. Optimistically look at your life and spend your time on the things that matter most to you.

Take the optimistic view that if you do your part, the very best you know how, and always think and work positively, bountiful supply and abundant living will come.

“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.”~ Douglas Everett – You can live the life you dream of if you stay focused on it and keep an optimistic view that it is becoming your reality.

Optimism is positive thinking lighted up. Let your light shine today!

When you expect the best, you release a magnetic force in your mind that tends to bring the best to you. Be optimistic about all aspects of your life and see your world improve.

NLP can help a person live a better life by helping shift attitudes and behavior in such a way that he becomes more dynamic, independent or even more creative. Anthony Robbins points out that anyone can change “when they want too.” You can be optimistic today “if you want too.”

Fill your life and your mind with all the peaceful experiences possible, then make planned and deliberate excursions to them in memory. Build your optimism a day at a time.

I talked with a friend today and he told me that most people that he talks to feel a little depressed these days. I listen and read uplifting material every day and I study NLP. To the left you will see the “Become Your Best” Page where I will add programs I use, I hope you enjoy them!

Be optimistic about yourself, Self-trust is the first secret of success in all avenues of your life. So believe in and trust yourself today.

“What you think is what you BECOME!” You have heard this before I am sure, keep positive, optimistic thoughts about yourself and your life and it will become better each day and you will feel better.

To get that optimistic feeling, ask better questions of yourself like: Who loves me and who do I love? Post your positive questions so others can become more optimistic.

In every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it.

Your dreams are within your grasp, keep going toward them and you will live them!

We are blessed with so many things in our lives, if you focus on your blessings your optimism will increase.

It is a wealthy person, indeed, who calculates riches not in gold but in friends.

Problems can only be avoided by exercising good judgment. Good judgment can only be gained by experiencing life’s problems. Optimistically see your problems as an opportunity to learn and grow not as something destructive.

In those times when we yearn to have more in our lives, we should dwell on the things we already have. In doing so, we will often find that our lives are already full to overflowing. ~ From The Ultimate Gift.

Love is a treasure for which we can never pay. The only way we keep it is to give it away. ~ From The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall. I have added this book to our Become Your Best Page. It is 154 pages that will change your life.

Laughter is medicine for the soul. Our world is desperately in need of more such medicine.  Share your optimism by sharing your laughter with others today.

As you go through the day, identify activities that have the highest payoff for you emotionally and build enjoyable routines around those activities.

Stamp indelibly on your mind a picture of yourself as optimistic and successful. Never permit it to fade and your mind will seek to develop this picture. Remember, we become what we think about most of the time, so think great thoughts.

You make a To Do List to get things done, but have you made your To Be List? Think about the person you know you can be, optimistic, positive, loving, friendly, helpful… what do you think we should add to our To Be List?

Take the optimistic view that if you do your part, the very best you know how, and always think positively, bountiful supply and abundant living will come.

When you smile at someone and they smile back, you automatically feel better. Compliment them or extend a courtesy and they like themselves better, which in turn will make you feel better yourself. Give it a try today and see yourself having a great day!

As you accept yourself, you will see that you deserve the good things in life. Optimism about your self will remove those limiting ceilings and help you obtain the good things in life.

Bring Out The Best In Everyone! Try this for the week, find a reason to compliment each person you interact with, you will both be bless with better days for your effort.

Be optimistic about your own ability and the ability of others, a lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.

What you think, you will become, good or bad, week or strong, defeated or victorious, so practice being an optimistic thinker!

Optimistically stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.

Practice optimism in even the most commonplace things and soon the immense power of that optimism will begin working wonders in your life.

You must have a good time meeting people if you expect them to have a good time meeting you. ~ Dale Carnegie – Make everyone you meet this weekend glad they met you.

The tough-minded optimist views any problem as a challenge to their intelligence, ingenuity, and faith. They keep on thinking and optimistically believing. They know there is a solution and so they finally find it.

Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others exists in you.  Sow, send, give and see optimism and you will reap a wonderful day and a life filled with greatness.

People ask “How can I feel optimistic when there are so many problems in my life?” If you want a trait or attitude you do not now possess, assume that trait or characteristic and later you will possess it. If you start acting optimistic soon you will be positive and optimistic, give it a try today. William James said “We do not sing because we are happy, we are happy because we sing.”

The unconquered and the unconquerable of this world are those who hold ever fresh in their hearts an abiding faith in their own positive destiny. You “can” become anything you want, if you want it strong enough.

You are not your situation! However, if you don’t want to relive your past, you must change. I have just made a change to improve my situation, if you know someone wanting to make a new financial life for themselves; share this link with them: www.numispromotion.com/?s1=concepts it is working for me. If you are looking for change in other area of your life, focus on the change you want not on the bad you do not want.

When you become convinced that you can make a comeback from any adversity, then all of your creative forces will come to your aid. Optimism is the force that helps you convince yourself that you can do anything.

You know you should eat good food each day for a healthy body, are you feeding your mind great thoughts each day? Your mind can take you anywhere you want to go but it has to be feed a steady diet of positive optimistic thoughts to get you to the life you dream of.

As you go through your day, add up your blessings, opportunities and possibilities. In so doing you will become more optimistic, relaxed, outgoing and successful.

It’s your attitude and not your aptitude that determines your altitude. Stay optimistic and you will see your life improve with your attitude.

Life can be like a grindstone, your attitude will determine whether it grinds you down or polishes you up. Stay optimistic even when the road ahead looks hard and you will become more polished not ground down.

Joy increases as you share it, and diminishes as you try to horde it for yourself. In giving it you will grow more joy in your life than you ever believed possible.  Share your joy and your optimism with others this weekend.

Optimism allows and individual to pull out all the stops and give life everything you’ve got, to utilize your abilities to their maximum, to go toward the life you want and to live with nothing held back. Remember, life is not a destination, it is a journey. Remain optimistic and you will enjoy the journey every day.

He climbs highest, who helps another up. Look for ways to lift someone else up today and spread your optimism to them, it will make you feel great.

Optimism and enthusiasm lift living out of the depths of drudgery and makes it mean something. Play it cool and you may freeze. Play it hot and even if you get burned, at least you will shed warmth over a discouraged and bewildered world.

We are not meant to be crawling, defeated in the presence of a difficult situation. We are men and women who can take charge of our thoughts and do what we will with them. By staying optimistic even in the tough times you chose the direction your life will take tomorrow.

Practice optimism. As optimism becomes a habit, you will achieve a permanently happy spirit. Remember there is only now, so be optimistic and happy in all of your now moments.

If you feel short or in need of something, give what you want first and it will come back to you multiplied. That is true for money, love, a smile, or friendship. Optimistically look for opportunities to give to others expecting nothing in return and soon you will find the very thing you have given away you have much more of.

Faith in yourself is the most powerful of all forces operating in humanity, and when you have it, nothing can get you down. Be optimistic about your own abilities and watch the world open up to you.

A day for optimism, Memorial Day is a day we should all feel more optimistic, knowing that we have brave men and women who are willing to give their lives to assure us the opportunity to remain free. In my mind the best way to repay them for their sacrifice is to live your life to the fullest in every way, make full use of the freedom they died to protect and stay optimistic about the future but always know that at any time more of us may be required to step forth and defend the freedom that so many have paid for.

Those who are fired up with an optimistic mindset and allow it to take hold and dominate their thoughts find that new worlds of opportunity open for them. As long as the optimism holds, so will the new opportunities.

Live the Life You Love Today. Once you “decide” and follow up with real action, you can live the life you dream of. Optimism is the key because if you do not convince yourself that you deserve the life you dream of; your mind will continue to hold you back.

The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best; therefore it tends to become the best; it takes the form or charter of the best, and will receive the best.

People become really remarkable when they realize that they can do anything they put their mind too. Be optimistic and believe in yourself and your fondest dreams will become your reality!

The magic of optimism can work magic in your life. Its powerful effect can remake your very existence. In every aspect of your life today, look for an optimistic view point and see yourself having a wonderful day.

I just came in from relaxing out in the yard and it was the most beautiful morning, light clouds way up in the jet stream caught the early morning sun rays and turned a bright pink/orange with the moon still visible against the blue sky, wow. Take a minute this morning and just enjoy what nature has to offer you, it might just make you smile a little easier today. Enjoy!

Believe it is possible to solve your problems and tremendous things will happen. Stay optimistic and continue to believe and the answers will come!

Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles, they toughen and make strong. Keeping an optimistic perspective will help you overcome your problems and grow from them.

Fan the flame of your ambitions, of your aspirations and let them rouse your slumbering and often unused powers into action. Stay optimistic about your abilities and you can accomplish anything.

Optimism is like nutrition, it must be taken daily and in healthy doses to keep it going.

You can make yourself sick or well by the thoughts you habitually think. Strengthen your body and mind by keeping positive, optimistic thoughts always and wipe away the negative thoughts as soon as you recognize them.

There is an optimist in all of us; some of us just have to let them out! Learn to know your optimistic side, the real positive you.

Always think and talk abundance for in doing you are decreeing abundance in your life and it will be so.

One secret of successful living is to get turned on with self-repeating enthusiasm, in-depth enthusiasm, and to keep the positive principle of optimism going daily in your life.

Picture yourself as the optimistic person you wish to be, affirm that you are that, then practice being it.

Optimism puts the fire within you – the fire that gets the inner power going. Get your optimism into focus and make it a great day.

Give thanks daily for your blessings. Get the habit of thinking happy thoughts. Go out of your way to make other people happy. There is your formula for real optimism and happiness.

Be big in mind and soul, be kind to others and yourself; you will like yourself that way and so will other people.

Believe that you have solutions to your problems, that you can overcome and solve them. These positive thoughts will bring you the solutions you need.

If you love people, you inevitably get back love in return and thereby experience a joy that makes you an optimistic, happy person.

Every day remind yourself of your own ability, of your own good mind, and affirm that you can make something really good happen today.

The world in which you live is not primarily determined by outward conditions and circumstances but by the thoughts that habitually occupy your mind. Keep optimistic thoughts and enjoy a positive day.

Always remember that problems contain values that have improvement potential. Look optimistically at your problems and find the value lesson in them.

Keep your heart full of love, your mind full of confidence. Live simply, expect much and give more. Fill your life with love for all. Share your inner sunshine. Forget yourself and think of others. Stay optimistic in all things and see how this week turns out, it will be wonderful.

As negative thoughts enter your mind recognize them and remove them from the stage of your mind, replace them with optimistic, positive thoughts and your day will come alive.

I know that not everyone believes in God or a creator, I am not here to convince you of that. I see people looking for strength outside of themselves to lift them up and just want to point out that no matter what you believe it is clear that there is a universal power that flows through the universe that connects us all and is in all. If you cannot find the strength inside just calm you mind and listen or feel that power, it is there. It is in our nature to grow, trust in the natural order and grow through your trouble.

Thinking optimistically about your abilities tends to release positive mental forces that produce effective action. You have great talents both currently hidden and those you use daily.

Break the tension of a problem by shifting your thoughts completely from it and instead think only of your blessings. When you return to the problem your insight will sharpen, your understanding will deepen and with optimism you will find a solution.

Repeat optimistic thoughts about who you want to be over and over until those thoughts become constant and habitual. The thoughts we continually repeat become convictions and drive who you are or who you become.

Keep in mind that any adversity can be turned into an advantage or an opportunity for personal growth and your ability to stay optimistic will increase.

The great secret to successful living is to change your thinking from negative to positive, from pessimistic to optimistic. I know many of you stay optimistic every day and some struggle, the answer is fake it until you make it. Act positive and optimistic and it will become a way of life.

Never let any mistake cause you to stop believing in yourself. Learn from it and move on optimistically knowing you will never need to repeat that mistake again.

Don’t waste mental energy brooding over past events or worrying about the future. Live today as if it were your last, be happy today, be loving today, be optimistic today.

Take a few minutes today and quiet your mind so that inspirations may come to you that provide solutions or direction you are looking for. An inflow of new thoughts can remake you regardless of every difficulty you may now face or inspire you to new heights if you currently have no difficulties. Stay optimistic that the answers or direction you seek will come and they will.

The more problems you have, the more alive you are. The optimist knows that problems are normal and the more you put yourself out into life, the more challenges you will have to overcome. That is what allows you to grow as a person, so embrace your challenges and find optimistic solutions.

Flush thoughts of scarcity out of your mind and refill your mind with dynamic thoughts of abundance. Expect generous benefits in never failing supply. Optimism has a way of bringing positive reality where once only thoughts were present.

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.

Do not let circumstances defeat you. You can if you think you can. Optimism is the tool to help you get up after a fall, and to keep going toward the life you really want.

Your results in life are in direct proportion to the belief you have in yourself. Increase your optimism about your life and believe it and you will improve your circumstances.

Never allow sick attitudes of others to poison your thinking, nor let ill will make you ill. When others dump their poison on you, shine your optimism back on them, be the bigger person and forgive everyone of their trespasses against you. Lead the way to a positive future today in all your dealings, you will feel great for doing it.

An optimistic outlook allows you to be more than you are, to do more than you are now doing, to achieve higher standards and live a more rewarding life. Look for the best in everything and everyone you interact with today.

We all suffer defeat from time to time; the optimist keeps looking for victory and ultimately finds it.

Constantly recognize the great potential and strength that you have inside of you. By affirming it and practicing bringing it out, your abilities will strengthen just like working out your muscles strengthens them. Optimistically look to expand your great abilities all day and make it a wonderful week.

The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge. Face your challenges with optimism knowing that these are the moments for you to grow.

You already know everything you need to have a wonderful life. You may need a new plan to enjoy that life you desire, focus today on optimistic ways to bring yourself closer to the life you want and away from sabotage. Remember your mind moves toward what you think about so think wonderful thoughts.

Optimism is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting; you need to continually feed on great ideas at regular intervals.

When we are happy – when our mindset and mood are positive – we are smarter, more motivated, and thus more successful. Find ways to create more happiness in your life this week, start by acknowledging all the good that is already in your life.

Studies have shown that even the smallest moments of positivity in the workplace can enhance efficiency, motivation, creativity, and productivity. Think of ways to share your optimism and positivity with your family and workmates this week and see powerful results in your life.

Infinitely more precious than money are the treasures of a life well spent, the wealth of good deeds.  Optimistically look for ways to live the best you can this week. ”Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Because our brain’s resources are limited, we are left with a choice: to see only pain, negativity, stress and uncertainty, or to look at things through a lens of gratitude, hope, resilience, optimism, and meaning. Choose optimism and meaning today and see if your life improves.

Inside each of us is an extraordinary person, through optimism you can begin to let that best you shine through. Look for reasons to be optimistic about every aspect of your life and be that extraordinary you.

Stay optimistic by visualizing positive energy and vitality continuously at work within you, refreshing body, mind, and spirit.

So why not mark today as the day you decided you are going to reach all of your goals and change your life for the better, and I mean MUCH BETTER? Optimism is the key, if you think you can, you are right.

Nine tenths of your mind is in the subconscious, plant the picture of health, optimism, and your vision of success in your subconscious and this powerful part of your mind will bring these positive aspects into your reality.

During times of adversity, stay optimistic, often the best you comes through those periods of difficulty.

Live today completely committed to optimism, no matter what comes your way be optimistic, if it is good great, if it is not what you hoped for find a reason to love it. If you find yourself being less than optimistic, take a few seconds to get yourself back on track. You are going to have a wonderful day!

The best thing you have to give to others is yourself. Optimistically give the best you in all you do, be helpful, caring, constructive and try to make everything and everyone you touch a little bit better.

Writing down your experiences and blessings can help us to be grateful for what we have. Being grateful helps you stay optimistic and positive, so here is a little challenge: 1. Write 10 physical abilities you are grateful for, share a few with our Fans.

You already have so many things in your life to be grateful for, things that make life easier or more comfortable. If you recognize these things and the benefits they provide you, your level of optimism will increase. List 10 material possessions you are grateful for.

It is not always easy to be grateful when you are in times of stress, yet recognizing the many blessing you have already in your life will help reduce your level of stress and make you a happier person.  4. List 10 things about nature you are grateful for.

With optimism everything is possible. As you go throughout your day optimistically look for ways to include “possible” in your conversations, thoughts, attitudes and actions. If you think you can, you are right!

Become passionate about optimism in your life and you will find the reason why you can.

If we were as positive as we are capable of we would astonish ourselves. Astonish yourself today and find a reason to be positive all day long.

Optimistically think of the miracles you want to occur in your life, by placing positive attention on them you bring them closer to reality.

Dream big dreams! Imagine that you have no limitations and optimistically pursue your dreams.

Aristotle said “to be excellent, we cannot simply think or feel excellent, we must act excellent.” So to be optimistic we must also act optimistic in all of our daily activities.

The kindest thing you can do for the people you care about is to be a happy, joyous, optimistic person. Be the person everyone loves to be around.

Set peace of mind as your highest goal and organize your life around it. By practicing optimism every day you stay in a positive frame of mind which brings your life into a peaceful harmony. Upsets then become minor inconveniences instead of major problems.

The quality of your life is determined by how you feel at any given moment. How you feel about the events happening around you is your choice, choose to see things in an optimistic light.

I was looking at my Redwood Trees today and remembering when I planted them they were 4 or 5 feet tall, now they are over 60 feet. It is like the thoughts we plant in our minds, with nourishment all of our thoughts either good or bad make us who we are; keep planting and nourishing the positive, optimistic thoughts and you will become a mighty giant like my Redwood Trees.

Your multi-dimensional brain is influenced by everything you see, hear, read, smell, touch, feel or say. That is why it is so important that you keep your thoughts and actions positive and associate with other optimistic people. Optimistic, positive thoughts and actions everyday will have a compounding effect on your life and build it into a masterpiece.

Stay optimistic and realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish anything you desire. This means that there are no limits on what you can be, have or do!

The more you like yourself the more you like others and the less you fear anything. You are a wonderful optimistic person. Say that to yourself all day and see if you don’t like yourself better tonight.

Difficulties come not to obstruct, but to instruct. Stay optimistic in the face of adversity and you will overcome it and be a better person for the challenge.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. ~
Martin Luther King, Jr. – Optimism is what gives us the motivation to test our faith and take the first step, know that your life can be what you want it to be and take the first step.

Your outer world of wealth, work, relationships and health will always be a reflection of your inner attitudes of mind. Keep positive, optimistic thoughts in mind all day long and see your outer world improve.

Satisfy the deep subconscious needs of the people you come in contact with each day – to feel important, to feel valued, respected and worthwhile. All it takes is listening and some optimistic words of encouragement.

Look for the good and positive in everyone and in every situation. If you look for it you will find it. Stay optimistic and positive changes will manifest in your life.

Scatter sunshine and good cheer throughout your day; let your optimism show in all you do today.

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts… take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. ~ Marcus Aurelius  – Optimistic thoughts will bring you the happiness you desire in life.

The greatest gift you can give to someone is your own personal development. I used to say, “if you will take care of me, I will take care of you.” Now I say, “I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me.” ~ Jim Rohn.

The greater part of our happiness depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances. By staying optimistic and positive you create your own happiness, enjoy your day.

The optimistic person inspires others to do more than they have thought possible for themselves. Be so optimistic today that you inspire others to great heights.